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Desexing your Pet 

Bilgola Vet Clinic offers high quality desexing services to domestic animals including dogs, cats and rabbits.
All procedures are performed by a qualified and experienced veterinarian accompanied by a anaesthetic nurse.
Your pet will have an assigned nurse for the day who will monitor each stage of the procedure and be with your pet during the recovery period. 

Desexing your pet is day surgery. Admission is from 8 - 9am and discharge is usually between 4-5pm depending on how quickly they recover from the general anaesthetic.
Your pet must be fasted prior to the procedure, no food after midnight the night before surgery, however water is fine until admission. 
An IV catheter will be placed in your pets foreleg where they will receive the anaesthetic agent and intravenous fluids throughout the surgery. You will receive a desexing certificate and aftercare notes detailing how to care for your pet and keep the surgical site clean. We perform post operative checks 2 and 10 days after the procedure with our nurses. 

We use internal sutures which are buried under the skin and will completely dissolve over time. 

The recommended age for desexing varies with species and breed.

We recommend desexing cats at 4 months of age.

We recommend desexing rabbits at 5-6 months of age.

We recommend desexing small breed dogs at 6 months of age and large breed dogs
at 10-12 months of age. 

For recommendations for desexing your pet, please contact our staff on 9918 0022. 

Why should I desex my pet? 

Desexing your pet has a number of behavioural and health benefits.
These include:

  • Unwanted and unexpected pregnancies

  • Female pets will not develop uterine or ovarian cancers 

  • Female dogs will not develop life-threatening diseases such as pyometra

  • If you spey your dog before her first season, the risk of developing mammary cancers are reduced almost to the point of elimination

  • Male pet will not develop prostate or testicular cancers.

  • Male dogs can display and receive unwanted attention from other males dog when they are entire. 

  • Mounting/masturbation is significantly decreased

  • Male dogs will be more willing to socialise and less inclined to focus solely on guarding and marking territory. 
    With the removal of hormones, it will also lower aggression towards other animals. 

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